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Meet Coach ReKita!



Hello, I am ReKita Peters, Certified Life Coach and Speaker. 


I was born in Minden, Louisiana and raised to be strong and face challenges head on. I moved from Louisiana to St. Louis, Missouri with my mom and sister prior to my sixth grade year of school and resided there until graduating from high school. I then went on to attend Wilberforce University in Wilberforce, Ohio, where I studied Accounting and held  leadership positions in a number of organizations. After college, I remained in Ohio and worked as a State Auditor for a few years.  


Upon the third year of employment with the State of Ohio, I  reevaluated my life and decided to take a leap of faith to join my family in Dallas,Texas. I felt that it was time for a clean start, so I made the 18 hour drive taking only my clothes and dog, Diamond. During this new journey, I didn't have a job for three months and used all of my savings to get by from day to day. I had to dig deep in my faith and trust that God would provide at the right time. At the end of the three months, I began working as an Assistant Manager at a local Braum's Restaurants while looking for a job in the Accounting field. This was definitely a stretching period for me, as the season allowed me to gain prospective and become humble in the transformation that God was allowing to happen in my life. 


After a three year search, I was able to obtain a Property Accountant position at one of the top Property Management Companies in the nation. I worked there for a total of 11 years and within that time received two promotions. I was determined to check all the boxes and to give the job all that I had, which resulted in me serving as an Accounting Manager leading a team of up to five accountants. 


Although, I was doing well in my role as an Accounting Manager, I felt like part of me was still missing. I didn't know what was wrong, I had hit the mark... career, house, car, traveling, etc. It finally hit me that I was created for more, I was created with purpose. I wasn't to be just in the accounting field, I was created to help others to achieve the goals that align with their purpose. I became a certified life coach in 2019 and it has changed my life for the better. I have had the opportunities to speak at various events, host a number of women's bible studies, assist my peers with personal and financial development, and provide entrepreneurs/visionaries with the push needed in order to turn their goals into results. 


I believe that everyone should break free from the expectations of others and to live in their God given purpose. My job as your coach is to provide you with guidance as you recognize your purpose, see the vision and turn those goals into results. 


So, why wait another moment? Let's connect and start on this fabulous journey together! 


"To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away." - Matthew 25:29 NLT

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